LSM Insurance in Media outlets

How life insurers are simplifying the application process to increase uptake

The pandemic hit and the changes that life insurers had been toying with became the new way of doing business… Virtually overnight, insurers simplified the application process, allowing clients to apply by phone; they also began allowing electronic rather than hard-copy signatures. Sales surged with many Canadians opting for life insurance in the face of...

How will COVID-19 vaccines affect life insurance costs?

An insurance firm digs into the question of whether your premium costs would be affected by whether or not you were vaccinated.

Disability insurance could protect you during a pandemic

We are living through a period of unprecedented stress, uncertainty and no one knows for certain what tomorrow will bring. As Lorne Marr, Director of Business Development at Hub Financial and founder of said to me, ” the pandemic has magnified the need for income protection as most Canadians simply do not have the...

BRIEF-Hub International Acquires Ontario-Based LSM Insurance Services


If you’re unsure about something, ask your insurer and get your response in writing

The best advice if you’ve got vacation plans is to call your insurer and explicitly ask about coronavirus risk regarding trip cancelation and medical coverage

Life insurers leery of covering Canadians with new coronavirus until more is known

Some companies say they would outright deny coverage to anyone who has contracted the disease, while others would offer coverage with conditions

Vaping, cannabis push Canadian insurers to re-evaluate coverage radically from just a few years ago

The insurance industry has a new approach to cannabis, and vaping of tobacco and cannabis products…

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

People with diabetes, heart conditions and other ailments can be left in the lurch. Other red flags for insurers can include travel to certain parts of the world or risky recreational activities. Securing affordable life insurance is a growing problem as more Canadians are diagnosed with serious ailments.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

Like millions of Canadians, Tim Potter is living with a serious medical condition that has made it difficult, if not impossible, to secure meaningful life insurance. The Halifax father of seven was diagnosed 26 years ago with Type 1 diabetes.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

Securing affordable life insurance is a growing problem as more Canadians are diagnosed with serious ailments. People feel stressed because all they’ve been able to secure is a couple of policies that will pay just enough to cover his funeral expenses.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

It’s a definite problem, says Michael Aziz, co-president of Canada Protection Plan, which seeks to fill the void left by traditional insurers by offering coverage that doesn’t require a medical examination.

Health conditions complicate search for insurance

People with diabetes, severe mental illness, HIV, heart conditions and other serious ailments can be left in the lurch. Serious ailments made it difficult to secure meaningful life insurance.

Canadians with pre-existing health issues struggling to find affordable life insurance

“The issue of pre-existing conditions is a bit of a growing issue because people are needing term insurance longer in their life because of the financial pressures today,” said Kevan Penonzek, manager of Insurance Direct Canada in Vancouver.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding life insurance

Securing affordable life insurance is a growing problem, but Insurance companies have become much more liberal about covering people with health issues, said Lorne Marr, director of new business for LSM Insurance, which owns No Medical Exam Life Insurance.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

There’s a trend of people needing insurance for a longer period because they have families later in life or haven’t paid off their mortgage yet. But securing affordable life insurance is a growing problem as more Canadians are diagnosed with serious ailments.

Health conditions complicate search for insurance

Half of Canadians will develop cancer at some point in their lives, the Canadian Cancer Society says. And about eight per cent of Canadians have been diagnosed with diabetes, a condition that’s growing in frequency amid an aging population.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

“The issue of pre-existing conditions is a bit of a growing issue because people are needing term insurance longer in their life because of the financial pressures today,” said Kevan Penonzek, manager of Insurance Direct Canada in Vancouver.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

Finding affordable life insurance gets harder when you’re 60 to 70, because people then have health issues. The number of Canadians only with diabetes has doubled since 2000, said Joan King, director of government relations for Diabetes Canada.

Health conditions complicate search for insurance

People feel stressed because all they’ve been able to secure is a couple of policies that will pay just enough to cover his funeral expenses. Securing affordable life insurance is a growing problem.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

Millions of Canadians are living with a serious medical condition that has made it difficult, if not impossible, to secure meaningful life insurance.

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

“They’re working later, they’re carrying debt longer, mortgage longer so they feel like they need term insurance to cover off that risk. And so it becomes harder when you’re 60 to 70, because people then have health issues.”

Canadians with health issues face difficulty finding affordable life insurance

“I feel like I would be leaving my wife and the kids quite empty-handed if anything were to happen to me,” Tim Potter said. People with diabetes, severe mental illness, HIV, heart conditions and other serious ailments can experience difficulties with finding affordable life insurance.

Pot edibles may drive up life insurance premiums

Many insurers no longer treat cannabis users as cigarette smokers — who pay much higher premiums due to the high-risk activity — provided there is no tobacco or nicotine in the products they use.

Pot edibles may drive up life insurance premiums

Many insurers no longer treat cannabis users as cigarette smokers — who pay much higher premiums due to the high-risk activity — provided there is no tobacco or nicotine in the products they use.

Pot edibles may drive up life insurance premiums, depending on consumption level

Many insurers no longer treat cannabis users as cigarette smokers — who pay much higher premiums due to the high-risk activity — provided there is no tobacco or nicotine in the products they use.

Pot edibles could drive up your life insurance premiums

Canadians looking to enjoy soon-to-be-legalized pot-infused edibles could get hit with higher insurance premiums – depending on the size of their appetite. Many insurers no longer treat cannabis users as cigarette smokers – who pay much higher premiums due to the high-risk activity – provided there is no tobacco or nicotine in the products they...

CBC Ontario Morning: Is Four Day Work Week a Good Idea?

Since 2008 LSM Insurance has been providing its’ employees with an option of working longer days in order to get an extra day off. Lorne Marr, a Director of LSM, suggested an idea of working four days a week during a height of 2008 financial crisis. Thus LSM Insurance became one of the first companies...

Canadian cannabis users could see higher premiums when edibles become legal

The threshold ranges from two to four cannabis usages per week, depending on the insurer, said Lorne Marr, LSM Insurance’s director of new business development.

What steps do you take when you inherit old universal life policies?

Universal life insurance (UL) plans can be the most difficult plans to illustrate, primarily due to the vast amount of complex options for clients. Richard Parkinson explores different options for Forum Magazine.

Life Insurance Companies Have Stopped Categorizing Marijuana Users as ‘Smokers’

Joan Weir, the director of health and disability policy for the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, told the CBC that many companies are no longer penalizing light users and “have moved to a model whereby as long as it was two or less per week then you would not be a smoker.” Insurance broker...

Ask an Insurance Actuary: Cannabis is Healthier Than Tobacco

It should not surprise that, a few months before cannabis legalization means marijuana sold openly in stores, life-insurance companies in Canada have finally deduced that marijuana is not nearly as damaging to one’s health as tobacco. For a long time, marijuana smokers could expect to pay the same as cigarette users. This doesn’t mean that...

Sun Life Canada changes approach to pot

Marijuana is becoming increasingly normal in Canada as legalization inches ever closer – and now it seems insurers are making changes too. Sun Life Canada has become the first major life insurance firm in Canada to alter its approach to the drug by deciding to treat cannabis users in the same way it treats non-smokers....

Canadian Life Insurance Companies Stop Categorizing Pot Users as ‘Smokers’

Life insurance companies in Canada are becoming more accepting of cannabis, and many firms have stopped categorizing pot users as smokers. According to an insurance broker Lorne Marr, the changes were made in anticipation of the legalization of cannabis in Canada. Marr noted that the new standards are still evolving, but some cannabis users are...

For life insurers, cannabis is no longer as “high-risk” as tobacco

Anticipating the legalization of cannabis later this year, some of the country’s major life insurance companies are updating their policies to better serve customers. Now, even life insurers are rushing to adapt to mainstream marijuana acceptance. Lorne Marr had recently surveyed nearly every life insurance provider in Canada and found that most of them have...

Life insurance companies no longer treating marijuana use as high risk as tobacco

Some of Canada’s biggest insurance companies have updated their policies on marijuana use, and the changes are having a major impact on regular users’ premiums. While the reassessment of risk factors is notable, Lorne Marr says it’s not as if insurers suddenly don’t care about drug use. The health impacts of marijuana are varied, but...

LSM Insurance is featured in The Toronto Star on 21 July in James Daw’s Money Talk column

But will you live to collect it? Critical Illness Insurance is a concern. Money Talk: James Daw A type of insurance sold in Canada for nearly 10 years could lead to a dramatic tug of war around a policyholder’s hospital bed. But a lawyer specializing in trust and estate matters says he, for one, has...

LSM Insurance featured in The Insurance Journal

Off Bay Street News – Markham Daniela Cambone “Have a philosophy to do more,” is LSM Insurance’s mantra, a Million Dollar Round Table qualifier for the past 12 years. They spend over $20,000 a year solely on promotional items for clients, which seems to be a small investment in comparison with the huge returns it...

Lorne and family pictured in the National Post

Lorne with his wife and their children chosen for the holiday picture on 26 December 2005 on the front page of The National Post.

A healthy workplace pays returns – LSM Insurance quoted in Insurance Journal again

When Professor Michael Leiter predicts a 10% return, he mean yield from a different investment than normally discussed by financial advisors, and when he mentions ‘resources’, he does not mean commodity investment or the mutual fund category. What he is referring to is the direct connection between a healthy workplace and efficient and motivated employees....

Insurance Makes No Sense: LSM Insurance quoted in November 2007 Money Sense Magazine

Money Sense Magazine Every time you turn on the news you hear about people dying in accidents. So it’s no wonder that many of us buy accidental death insurance, either as a stand-alone policy, or as a rider on an existing policy. The insurance is designed to provide for your family should you be killed...

LSM Insurance featured in the April 2008 Insurance Journal

Insurance Journal April 2008 LSM Insurance was quoted again in the Insurance Journal. This time, we talked about seg funds’ reset option, which allows clients to change their investment’s guaranteed value to keep pace with market value. You can read the whole article if you click the above pictures, but here is also a short...

Our four-day work week campaign to reduce commuting gas costs gains media exposure

Canadian media reacted promptly when they learned about the condensed four-day work week we instituted to reduce the cost of commuting. Our business co-ordinator Elisabeth Prosper was interviewed on CBC radio last week (listen to the four day work week story was featured in depth on

LSM 4 Day Work Week Featured in Globe and Mail

Four Day Work Week Our campaign for the 4 day work week turned up in the Globe and Mail last week as full page article in the business section. We were honoured that they chose Jack and Lorne as the lead photo. We were also thrilled to see that other companies are moving to a... Life Insurance – Swine flu surprise

We first warned our readers about how catching the Swine Flu could put at risk your life insurance plans in July this year. November 2009 Moneysense Alas we were right and the Canadian personal finance magazine Moneysense has just run an article on the issue of Swine Flu and life insurance, quoting me. It’s nice...

LSM Insurance Helps Cricketers raise funds for Haiti victims

LSM Insurance Cricket for Haiti has been featured on South Asian Omni News. Nearly 200 players including under-19 and women cricket players attended the opening ceremony of a three-week cricket tournament in Toronto will be played to help raise awareness and funds for the disaster relief effort in Haiti. Read more about the

Insurance Journal: Group critical illness insurance sales improving

“The most recent data available shows that the growth of group critical illness sales was seven times stronger than the group insurance sector as a whole.” These findings were published by the Fraser Group, an organization that has compiled statistics on the group insurance market in Canada for several years. Ken Fraser, president of Fraser...

LSM Insurance Ready to Serve Canada’s Chinese Speakers

Meet William Shung, the newest member of the LSM Insurance team. The number of people who claim a Chinese dialect as their mother tongue has been on the rise since 2001. As of the 2006 census, 1,034,000 people claim it as their first language, which is up 18% since 2001. Chinese is also the number... Student accident insurance

May Alexander knows all about kids and accidents. As mom to two active boys, ages five and seven, she’s seen her fair share of bumps and bruises. Those she can handle, but it’s the big things – major accidents or injuries – that scare her: first and foremost the horror of her children getting hurt,... Buying child life insurance

Eileen McGeough bought life insurance for her two children after her neighbour’s teenage son was killed in a car accident almost 20 years ago. The sudden death and watching the family struggle in the aftermath left McGeough feeling vulnerable. At the time, the young mother knew she wouldn’t have the money on hand to bury... Yes, you can insure a drug user

Soft drugs, such as marijuana and hashish do not mix well with each other, nor with traditional life insurance. Hard drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, make for an even tougher combination. The considerations go beyond definitions of legality and extend to the insurers’ risk management processes, explains LSM Insurance, one of the most renowned...

Insurance coverage critical for homeowners’ peace of mind

A mortgage on a home is one of the largest debts incurred by most Canadians, and needs to be taken very seriously. Mortgage holders may want to take measures to protect their family home in the event that payments cannot be met due to death, illness, or disability

Why Critical Illness Insurance is Just as Critical as Life Insurance

The Canadian Cancer Society will tell you that one in four Canadians is expected to die from cancer and that cancer is the leading cause of premature death in this country. If that weren’t enough, 40% of women and 45% of men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime

Critical Illness Insurance vs. Disability Insurance: Why You Need Both

Critical Illness Insurance vs. Disability Insurance: Why You Need Both? In a previous post, we explained why critical illness insurance is now equal in importance to life insurance when it comes to inoculating yourself against the financial hardships that come with any critical illness diagnosis. A diagnosis of cancer, heart attack, stroke, or any other...

CBC News: Jack Bendaham Talks about Ved Dhingra Case

Jack Bendahan You may remember the story of Ved Dhingra, a mentally ill man from Toronto who killed his own wife, Kamlesh Dhingra, back in 2006 by battering her with a religious marble statue and then stabbing her to death. Two years later, the 66-year old Dhingra was found not criminally responsible for the murder...

LSM Insurance in the News: Group Sales Has its Benefits

LSM Insurance, was quoted in the Investment Executive, where LSM insurance commented on the benefits of group insurance sales. Please continue reading for the whole article. Advising companies on employee benefits can provide you with steady revenue and cross-selling opportunities. But entering this market requires a long-term commitment to learn the business and adjust to...

Senior LSM Insurance broker interviewed on E-cigarettes

William Shung Senior LSM Insurance broker William Shung was interviewed by News Talk 770 in Calgary regarding the controversial topic of E-Cigarettes. Insurance companies are adding fuel to the fire by pricing all E-cigarette users as smokers. William takes the stance that these people should not be priced as smokers. Part of the dilemma for...

LSM Insurance Quoted in the Toronto Star

The Toronto Star: Eight red flags when you apply for life insurance: LSM Insurance, was quoted in the Toronto Star on April 29, 2014. The Star quotes LSM Insurance in an article called “Eight red flags when you apply for life insurance” written by Sheryl Smolkin. The article lists the reasons why insurance companies might...

LSM Insurance Quoted in the Investment Executive

Investment Executive: Insurance: “Reviving UL policies” LSM Insurance, was quoted in the Investment Executive in May 2014. The Investment Executive quotes LSM Insurance in an article called Insurance: “Reviving UL policies”, written by Megan Harman. The article deals with changes in commissions and prices of some of the new insurance products.

Life Insurance For Children in the Financial Post

LSM Insurance, was quoted in the July 26 Financial Post article by Melissa Leong titled “Should you buy life insurance for your kid?” Read on to discover what LSM insurance and two other experts have to say about life insurance for children.

Lorne Marr Interviewed in The Pulse With Devon Peacock

Lorne Marr, Director of New Business Development at LSM Insurance, was interviewed in The Pulse with Devon Peacock that is broadcast on AM980 every workday. Devon Peacock and Lorne Marr discuss the concept of a four-day workweek that LSM Insurance established in 2009. Devon Peacock in the Studio at AM980 In the interview, Marr explains...

LSM Insurance Quoted in the Investment Executive

Investment Executive: Insurers to tackle “denied claims” stigma LSM Insurance, was quoted in the Investment Executive on October 2014. The newspaper quotes LSM Insurance in an article called “Insurers to tackle “denied claims” stigma”, written by Megan Harman. The article covers the issue of negative effect generated by denial of the insurance claims.

LSM Insurance Hosts BBQ For Youth Without Shelter

Lorne Marr And Family Preparing Sandwiches For Youth without Shelter LSM Insurance ishosting a BBQ this summer to help feed Youth without Shelter. The event will be held June 11th 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 6 Warrendale Court, the headquarters for Youth without Shelter. The address is located in the Kipling and Albion area....

LSM Insurance in Forum Magazine: Kids & Insurance

LSM Insurance’s Article In Forum Magazine In this month’s issue of Forum Magazine, LSM Insurance wrote an informative article about insurance and children. In the article, LSM Insurance explains what different forms of life insurance is available for children. Also, it briefly touches upon the point of contention regarding the debate of life insurance for...

5 Reasons To Buy Life Insurance If You Have Dependants

LSM Insurance was quoted by CTV News’ Chief Financial Commentator, Patricia Lovett-Reid on Canada AM.Pattie shared LSM Insurance’s top 5 reasons why someone with dependents should buy life insurance. Check out the video and blog post below: Life insurance: what it covers, when to get it, and why to consider it By Pattie Lovett-Reid, Chief...

CBC Ontario Today Podcast: Is Four-Day Work Week Right for Everyone?

An experiment was conducted in different companies from North America and New Zealand, where employees worked for four days a week instead of five. The majority of workers, especially the ones with children, welcomed the idea, even if it meant working 10 hours a day. Lorne Marr together with HR managers and CEOs from the...

When critical illness insurance may make sense | The Star

It was about eight years ago that Brooke Robinson bought a critical illness insurance policy due to her family’s history of breast cancer, only to trigger it six years later for an entirely different and unexpected reason.

Tobacco-free e-cigarettes are a healthier choice for smokers, right? No, life-insurance companies say

Underwriters are insisting that e-cigarette ‘vapers’ pay smokers’ premiums that can be almost three times the normal rate, adding another wrinkle to a heated debate over the new technology

Investment strategy: Am I on the right path to riches?

Eight years ago, Seth and Rachel Jacobson of Edmonton met through an online dating website. The two hit it off right away in their initial meeting at a local diner. “We realized immediately that we had a lot in common,” says Rachel, 37, an office manager in Edmonton. “We both love adventure travel and given...

The only insurance guide you need

My 24-year-old daughter Laura recently started a new job and, like many new employees, she had to navigate a maze of choices in her group benefits plan. She earns a modest salary and there’s little left after paying for basic living expenses. So her main goal was getting the coverage she needs for the lowest...

Single and pregnant—again

If someone had told Janice Barr three years ago that she’d find herself in the devastating position she’s in right now—single and pregnant—she wouldn’t have believed it. After months of planning, Janice, 33, is expecting a child with her ex-husband Richard, 52—a man she had been married to for just five months after a lengthy...

Insurance you need and don’t need

Disability insurance is important for just about anyone who is working and needs the income from their job, which accounts for most of the working population. Group benefits typically include disability insurance, but often the definitions of disability are strict or the monthly coverage does not adequately replace one’s income. So be sure to look...

How do I keep my disability insurance premiums low?

Alana McCabe asks: I earn $120,000 per year at two part time jobs. I do not have health benefits or disability with my employers. I really need some good advice on disability insurance. I have been quoted $165 per month and feel that is a lot of money for just disability insurance. Is this the...

Ready to have a hissy Fit(bit) over health and reward points

Last month John Hancock Insurance, a subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corp. based in Boston, began handing out a Fitbit to every new life insurance policy holder

Key person insurance an overlooked opportunity |

Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of the economy, creating businesses, jobs and economic activity from scratch through a combination of hard work and ingenuity. But too often the companies they start and the jobs they create are at risk of destruction, if the entrepreneur is not properly insured.

Pattie Lovett-Reid: The financial product you need to protect your loved ones

Insurance can be a touchy subject because no one likes to think about their own demise. But what if you think about it this way – insurance isn’t about you, it’s about the people you care about most. The challenge that many face is that no one thinks something could happen to them. They are...

82-year-old great-grandmother takes on BMO for suspect life insurance advice

Beck bought her life insurance policy in 2007, at age 71. When Beck called the bank last month to get an update, she was surprised to learn that she had already paid $3,780 into her $3,200 policy — $580 more than it’s worth. This didn’t sound appealing to Beck. She inquired about cancelling, and says...

Does a 21-year-old need life insurance?

“Brenda M., a 21-years-old full-time student, wants to know when is the right time to get life insurance. Brenda works in the banking services industry and hears a lot of her customers discussing their insurance details with her and how she should get life insurance. She wonders if she really needs life insurance this young....

How life insurance can shave your capital gains tax

Mary B. and her husband bought life insurance in 2008, where Mary is a primary insured and her husband is included as a spouse. They discovered that in 2018 their premiums will become unreasonably high. They don’t see any point to keep the policy with such high rates, so they are both planning on cancellation...

Two insurers to stop treating all pot users as smokers as marijuana increasingly accepted

In a sign of marijuana’s growing normalization in Canada, two major life insurance companies have decided to treat cannabis users as non-smokers, reversing a long-standing policy and offering many of them far cheaper premiums. The change comes as cannabis is increasingly accepted as a medicine for various ailments, and the federal government prepares to legalize...

I’m young and healthy. Do I need life insurance?

Lindsay Stevenson never thought she needed life insurance. At 27, she was busy establishing her career as a dental hygienist and starting her life with then-boyfriend, Garrick. But when the two decided to buy a house together in Waterloo, Ont., Stevenson realized it was time to get serious about protecting her investment—and her partner. “We...

Term life insurance vs. universal life

Sam K. from Toronto and his wife have two joint life insurance policies. One is term life insurance purchased in 2002 and the other is universal life purchased in 2004. The couple with two kids are now considering calcellation of the one of the policies and keeping the other. However, they don’t know which one...

When should you stop paying for life insurance?

Chris R.’s mother is 97 years old, in excellent health and living independently in her own home. For a very lengthy period of time, she’s paid for a whole life insurance policy. The premium is paid semi-annually. Chris asks whether she really needs to continue to pay premiums on this policy or she can cease...

Are you covered by health insurance in Canada?

Universal health care, it turns out, may not mean what many Canadians think it does. William Shung, a senior insurance advisor with LSM Insurance Services in Markham, Ont., says few Canadians appreciate the importance of having insurance for travel within Canada. “They don’t realize they could incur very high costs should something happen when they’re...

Cut tax while cashing in a whole life policy

Roy and his wife both have whole life insurance policies. Her cash surrender value with paid up additions is around $200,000. His policy is about $190,000. They have no children. They both have pension plans and comfortable assets. They are looking at surrendering one if not both insurance plans. They ask Lorne Marr of LSM...

Do I really need life insurance?

“Katerina, a single 70-year-old woman with a reasonable mortgage of about $115,000 on her home, who has no family and no dependents and lives on her limited budget, asks if she needs life insurance and what for since she believes it’s a cost that she can do without. Insurance expert Lorne Marr has the answer.”

Alumni life insurance gets a failing grade

Think twice about purchasing a “discounted” term life insurance policy from your alma mater. Why? Those exclusive rates for university grads aren’t that great of a deal, according to insurance expert Lorne Marr of LSM Insurance.While easier to apply for than standard life insurance (just a questionnaire and usually no medical tests required), the actual...

How much does your insurance agent get paid?

If an advisor wants you to buy whole or universal life insurance, be sure it’s based on your needs—and not a big, fat selling commission. LSM Insurance looked at the average first-year commission and bonus that agents at Canada’s top five life insurers are paid when they sell new policies. While there are some situations...

How to save money on life insurance

There are a few things you can do to save money on life insurance.Purchasing a life insurance policy is an important way you can financially protect your family in the case of your premature death, but life insurance premiums can take a chunk out of your budget. But there are ways to keep the cost...

Stay-home Fridays becoming feasible: Goar | The Star

At LSM, an insurance company in Markham, long weekends have been the norm for five years. The experiment began in the 2009 recession when Marr, who runs LSM Insurance with his wife, needed a way to motivate the agency’s staff but couldn’t afford to increase their pay. Nor was he in a financial position to...

What first-time home buyers need to know about insurance – The Globe and Mail

If you’re buying houses in an expensive market and working in contract positions, it’s crucial to make sure you have proper coverage. We’ll be studying the personal-finance implications of inflated housing prices for years to come. But one thing we already know is that high housing costs are putting more responsibility on owners to have...

When purchasing critical illness insurance policy could make sense | CTV News

It was about eight years ago that Brooke Robinson bought a critical illness insurance policy due to her family’s history of breast cancer, only to trigger it six years later for an entirely different and unexpected reason. Today, she credits her critical illness payout for allowing her and her husband to take three months off...

Why long-term care insurance is slow to catch on with Canadians – The Globe and Mail

Between an aging population, longer lifespans and medical advances, there’s a growing sense in financial planning that a sound retirement plan must include a way to address the costs of care for people who can’t look after themselves. Long-term care insurance is one option, but you soon won’t be able to buy it on its...