We here at LSM are most definitely looking forward to this upcoming May Two-Four Weekend so to get things started we’ve got a solid list of personal finance articles that should help keep your wallet in check this Victoria Day.
On LSM Insurance, we showed how Term to Age 80 products could be an affordable way to secure long-term life insurance coverage. Later in the week, we interviewed the CEOs of the two Peer-to-Peer lenders currently active in Canada, Grouplend and Borrowell.
Rob Carrick at the Globe and Mail explains why the 3 types of ‘good’ debt may not be that great after all.
In her Special to the Financial Independence Hub, Marie Engen explains what happens to cash if it has been left dormant in a bank account for over 10 years.
The Blunt Bean Counter explains how your date of birth could effect your personal finances.
On her blog, My Alternate Life, Jordann Brown gives some advice on how to get motivated to save more money.
Lastly, Mr. CBB gives readers his top 5 reasons why we pay too much on our grocery bills.
Have a great long-weekend folks!