As reported in the December/January 2012 issue of Money Sense, Canada’s average median citizen’s net worth has topped the United states.
A Credit Suisse 2011 Global Report found that Canadians are now officially wealthier than Americans. The median net-worth per adult in Canada is $89,014 US, but in America, it’s $52,752 US.
The median amount represents an individual with a net worth in the middle range relative to the rest of the country. However, if you look at the average net worth per adult in the two countries, you will find very different results. The average net worth of Canadians in general is $245,455 US, and in the United States, the average net worth for citizens is $248,395 US.
The reason the average figures are so much higher than the median figures is that the average figures are skewed by the extremely wealthy. The United States has 32% of the world’s billionaires, so this fact alone significantly raises the overall net worth of America.
Money is overrated unless you don’t have any.
Canadians are not as lazy that is whhy we are moving on up.
Why isn’t my Net Woth Going up 🙁
Canada does not have even a fraction of the wealth that the USA has. America’s overall wealth is infinitely greater.
Thanks Mark. But Canada also has a fraction of United States population
Thanks for the note. Yes the article supports your findings.
The median net-worth per adult in Canada is $89,014 US, but in America, it’s $52,752 US.
Having visited 28 US states and been in private homes in 10 states that the idea of Americans being richer than Canadians is a myth. A myth which Americans fall for as most thought they lived better than Canadians do. My experiences showed that the average working American lives no better and has no more than the average working Canadian and many have less.