When it comes to CAA Term Life Insurance, underwritten by Manulife exclusively for members of the Canadian Automobile Association, it’s best that you don’t believe the hype.
(CAA Term Life Insurance: Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be continued…)
I have often wondered if the coverage that CAA offers costs so much do to an increase in care or some other advantage to being a client with them. As i see it with the facts you’ve listed, there is no real reason to go with them.
Just my 2 cents.
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Thanks a big problem with association plans is the pricing does not have the same guarantees as an individual life insurance policy.
New CAA Manulife term life customers joining in October 2009 will pay 40-50% less than existing policy holders for the identical coverage.
You would think that a consumer advocacy organization( like CAA) would try to offer its members better and consistent pricing.
Thanks for the note. I agree in most you can get a much better rate and more options with an outside insurance carrier
I have often wondered if the coverage that CAA offers costs so much do to an increase in care or some other advantage to being a client with them. As i see it with the facts you’ve listed, there is no real reason to go with them.
Just my 2 cents.