Insurance Medical Exams: Blood Profile Test

(WRITER’S NOTE: The following article is the first to kick off a new section on this site detailing exactly what insurance companies are looking for during those customary medical tests that play a large role in determining whether you are qualified or disqualified from certain insurance policies. Read on to find out exactly what to expect.)

Most insurance applications with medical tests include blood tests. Insurance companies will generally ask for blood tests on almost all applications where the face amount exceeds 250,000. They are also more likely to ask for blood tests when preferred rates are offered. Preferred rates are cheaper monthly payments given to applicants in very good health and with very good family health history. However, in those cases, the insurance company also verifies more health details and usually requires more intrusive medical tests to get the preferred rates.

Blood tests enable the insurance company to verify if the insured is in truly optimal health. The nurse completing the blood test will have the insured sign a permission slip. They will generally obtain three vials of blood (approximately 25ccs) and a urine sample. The blood profile procedure takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and the test will most likely screen for the following red flags:

1. HIV virus

2. Blood sugar reading

3. Kidney profile reading

4. Liver profile reading

5. Cholesterol and blood lipids

Applicants can increase the likelihood their blood sugar and cholesterol readings are good by doing the following:

  • Cut down on white flour (white bread, white pasta, and potatoes)
  • Avoid highly processed foods and foods high in sugar and replace them with good carb fruits, like berries, citruses, and cherries
  • Eat foods high in fiber, like broccoli or spinach, and condiments that slow down digestion (cinnamon, vinegar, and olive oil)
  • Eat a little lean protein
  • Eat smaller portions
  • Avoid trans-fats
  • Get 30 minutes of moderate or stronger physical activity per day
  • Strive for a waist size that’s less than half of your height

For more details on life insurance medical tests in Canada, or to get a free online life insurance quote, please visit our Instant Quote Page or contact us at 1-866-899-4849.

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  • LSM Insurance
    June 16, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    It is difficult to manipulate a blood test within a three day period – but avoid a heavy meal.

    In terms of other tests like blood pressure stay relaxed all day and get a good night rest and wear comfortable clothes during the exam.

  • alec
    June 16, 2011 at 12:50 pm

    What can I do say in the three days or week before the test to make sure I have the best possible result?

    In the case I’m borderline. Of course I know no three day program won’t help if someone is way over the edge.